You know, most people complain about the same things over and over again. Constantly we hear people drive into our ear; "where's all the good music?". Of course this question depends on where you find yourself situated in this god forsaken country. Do yourself a favor, stop reading this for a second, and click "play" on the youtube video below. After that, continue reading. I'll wait....
Cool. So people complain about the music. Its not just the people who listen to most of the dumb shit that floods the radio waves right now either. I don't worry too tough about the "hater" title that is bestowed on me, or my age so bleh to all of that. If the music sucks, I'm going to say it sucks. The masses never got anything right anyway. Which is why this song makes sense at this very moment. War Of The Gods is what the title is. And if any of us want our music to continue in any spec of importance, then we must all be ready to fight in this war.
This goes out to the DJ's; You cats need to stop being so afraid. Recognize that YOU control what they listen to. And to the new heads that are just stepping on to the scene. Don't JUST get some tables and think that everyone is loving your stuff. Take some time to develope this craft that you are jumping into. If you've been DJing for a few months, NO you shouldn't be spinning out at a club/lounge/wherever you are playing for $50. First off, you are driving down the price into crackhead range. And it makes it worse for the DJ's who are actually NICE. Yes there is an economy to this.
This goes out to the record collectors; You cats need to understand the fact that you are the archivists. Don't use the fact that you have a rare record to justify your love, and can sell it for $1300 on ebay. If you ain't giving the money, or ANY of the proceeds to the artist that created what you have, kinda "shut up". You're making money off of SOMEONE ELSE's creative genius. Cool that you have it no question. But chill. Some of these cats is outrageous with their hollywood attitudes.
Finally, this goes out to the listeners. Don't be so lazy. Don't listen just because there is "nothing" else on the radio. Being inundated with some of this "bafoonery" shouldn't mean its okay to turn a blind eye. With songs like;
Whip it Like A Slave and
LOL Smiley Face, I find it a tad surprising that the NAACP, or any other of these so called
African American community leaders, hasn't stepped up to condemn this action as detrimental to the African American Community as a whole. The same people who stepped up against Don Imus to complain when he called those women on the Rutgers Women's basketball team; "Nappy Headed Hoes", should be front and center when they hear some of this music. Its pretty amazing actually. Take a look at a
minstrel show and then look at one of these new videos. Hardly any true creativity is can be found. When analyzing the actual power of potential and creation by African Americans past and present, one sees that, that very power of creation is more than an illusion. It is very real. And I know a lot of these kids are young, but Nas was 18 once too. And you Never heard anything so simple/tired from him. Same goes for cats like Q-Tip, KRS-ONE, and Kool G Rap. I guess all drugs lose their potency at some point.
So who'll win the War? Suppose only time will tell the end of this tale. This song that you are listening to however? This song, War Of The Gods by Billy Paul, is a testament to how all the "good" music, has never gone anywhere. It was always here for us. And so what if it is "old". It still remains timeless. It is music at one of its rare and unique peeks. The level of creation was far beyond where it has sank to. No matter if its Hip Hop, Soul, Rock, whatever. It is all watered down. Rock music even sounds uninspired and empty. Hip Hop sounds almost offensive to the people whom CREATED it. We are all players in this story that will at some point, have to come to an end. How will we be remembered? And most important, how will the music be remembered.
But back to Billy Paul. After you are done reading, set the song back to the beginning... Then listen to the words. Crazy shit. Classic. Immortal...