Friday, June 12, 2009

Don't Pale In Comparison to...

Every now and then, something sparks a thought in our heads that harkens the question; "What are we, and why are we here?"  I mean you would not be human if you didn't ask yourself this question here and there.  Front if you want.  Be as deep into your supposed faith as you THINK you are.  Thats fine.  But don't be upset with yourself if you find yourself asking that very question.  

I was driving a few days ago, and there was an unusually high number of fireflies out that night.  Then I got to thinking... 

What makes Fireflies turn on the little lights in their bellies?  When did the FIRST Firefly turn on its light?  Did it think to do it?  Is that even instinct?  Do thoughts lie within the instinctual realm?  Do Fireflies "think" with little tiny brains?  Did a higher power just make this happen, or was there an evolution involved? 

Pretty strange what an overabundance of fireflies can do to the mind on any given night.  These thoughts of course lead into something I watched a little earlier today called, The Pale Blue Dot.   Enjoy...

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